Top Ten Questions You Should Ask When You Get a Payday Loan

If you are thinking about the payday loans, you must have been facing certain questions. However, it is best to find the answers for them. After all, it is wise to look before you leap. Hence just go through the following lines.

Q1. Why should you appeal for the payday loans?

You should apply for the loan if you need money very ardently. If you are thinking about buying something that can be done later or looking at money whose interest may take away all the money of your next month's salary without any particular necessity, payday loan is not the ideal solution for you. Otherwise, you can, rather should go for the loan.

Q2. For how long you need the cash advance?

Basically these payday cash advances are meant for the short term. They act as a bridge between the two paydays. So, if you are thinking to pay the loan at a later stage, the payday loan is not ideal for you. However, you can extend the day of the payment for months. But, in the mean time, you have to keep on paying the interest of the loan for every month. Since the interest in the payday loan is higher, that will not be a healthy idea.

Q3. What amount should you borrow?

Here, the payday advance loan does not give you too much of options. Normally, you can get an amount starting from £80 to £800. However, the maximum amount may come down if your income is not sufficient. Naturally, if you don't fulfill this criterion to avail the money, you have to think about the other options.

Q4. What are the criterions for a payday loan?

You should be more than 18 years of age. You must have a full time job. Again you must have a bank account and a debit card for it. Of course, you should be a citizen of the UK. Naturally, the payday loan is not available to you if you are a student or have lost your job. Therefore, you have to look for other means to avail the money then.

Q5. How is the wages paid?

The debit card is crucial here. Most of the companies will ask you to transfer your wages directly on to the account that has the debit card. So, you won't get the money if you are paid through cash or check.

Q6. Can you delay the payment?

This is certainly a poor idea. So, it is better to consider the other loan options if you think that you can not make the payment within time.

Q7. What are the different processes available for the payday loans?

Frankly, there are plenty of them. Some of them will ask you to submit detail documents. Naturally, they will take time to dispatch the money. Then, there are companies that offer fast cash advance. They are relatively hassle-free and you will also get the money quickly. No fax payday loan is also a good option if you have a good credit history.

Q8. What is the cost of the payday loans?

Generally, the companies charge a 25% interest on the money that you borrow. So, it is important to calculate the amount of interest on the money that you are going to lend.

Q9. Can the situation go out of control?

If you have already quite a few loans, then yes. So, it is advisable to avoid the payday loan in such situations.

Q10. Is it the best option?

The conclusion to this question can be drawn only after you make a thorough survey of other options. So, start doing that now.


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